This Author’s Very Nerdy Obsession

Good morning, blog readers!

As some of you might know, I have an obsession with a few things that some people might call “nerdy”, or that might make me a “fangirl”. Now, I am not opposed to these terms, because I fully embrace my nerdy, fangirl side.

I love: Dr. Who, Sherlock (from the BBC), Red Dwarf, Star Trek TNG, Firefly, superhero movies, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Arrow, The Flash, Game of Thrones… the list could go on, and truthfully, it does.

Now, while I love these shows, there is one that has become a true love; Dr. Who. That’s right, I am a Whovian. And when I say Whovian, it isn’t just that I love the show, it is that I’ve begun to surround myself with Dr. Who things. For example:

My purse.


My wallet.

My favourite mug.


My cookie jar.


And my wardrobe (with accessories).


I’ve also gotten a photo with John Barrowman (he plays Captain Jack Harkness).


And I got his autograph… several of them.


I also have several customized ringtones on my phone (daleks, the Dr. Who theme song, and both #10 and #11 telling me that I have a text message).

Now, just because I’m obsessed with Dr. Who, doesn’t mean that I have no room in my heart left for my other favourite shows. I do have an S.S. Enterprise t-shirt, vulcan ears and wig, two Star Trek The Next Generation costumes, communicator badges, phasers, and hand-held communicators, along with several other “fangirl” things for Harry Potter, Firefly, and Sherlock. And, of course, we couldn’t forget the abundance of lightsabers in my house.

There you have it. Next week I’ll talk a bit about my writing.

Thank you all so much for reading! Happy Saturday!